Dumpster Diving At CVS [An Ultimate Guide for 2024]

Wondering how to start your next dumpster diving adventure at CVS? You’ve come to the right place. If you are a dumpster diving fanatic like me and looking for some tips and tricks regarding dumpster diving at your local CVS store, this article will serve you right. I’ll provide all the legalities and strategies you need to know alongside some of the best inside information that will certainly help you at your next dumpster diving adventure in CVS. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Dumpster Diving at CVS

CVS is a pharmacy and convenience store chain in the United States. It is the largest pharmacy chain in the country, with over 9,000 locations. CVS sells prescription drugs and a wide array of other products, including over-the-counter drugs, beauty products, cosmetics, food, and more.

A CVS store can be run in one of two ways. The majority of their locations are independent, but some are part of a shopping mall or complex. Finding and diving into dumpsters will be difficult if your CVS store is located within a shopping complex or mall. The dumpster is usually located at the back of the property if your local CVS store is a stand-alone operation.

Dumpster diving at CVS can be a great way to find free deals on items that you need or want. You can often find items that are either returned or even just damaged packaging! However, there are a few things to keep in mind when dumpster diving at CVS.

First, always make sure to check with the store manager, if possible, before taking anything from the dumpster. This will help to ensure that you are not breaking any laws or damaging store property. Second, be aware that some items in the dumpster may be expired or damaged. It is up to you to decide if you want to take the risk on these items. Finally, remember to practice safe dumpster diving! Wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from bacteria and germs.

Is it illegal to Dumpster Dive at CVS?

Dumpster diving is not illegal, but it is not permitted on the premises of CVS. Keep in mind that the majority of CVS stores are considered private property when dumpster diving. They have the right to ask you to leave if they don’t like you being in their store.

As a result, keep an eye out for prominent trespassing warning signs at the CVS location. If you don’t see one, it’s a green light. If you entered the CVS dumpster despite the clearly visible No Trespassing sign, you could be charged with trespassing or even theft. This could result in a permanent ban. You could be charged with disorderly conduct, illegal dumping, and other offenses in the worst-case scenario.

As a result, if someone from CVS management asks you to leave while dumpster diving at their property, you must comply.

I also suggest that you look into the dumpster diving laws and regulations in your city and/or state. This will keep you from breaking any laws while dumpster diving at your local CVS. You can use the search box below to peek at the laws in your state or City.

What is the best time to Dumpster Dive at CVS?

The best time to dumpster dive at CVS is typically early in the morning before the store opens or late at night when the store closes. This is when the trash from the night before is still fresh and there is a greater chance of finding unopened or undamaged items. One more advantage of dumpster diving after store hours is because there are fewer people working at this hour, the chances of a disturbance or getting caught are smaller.

For me personally, the best time to go dumpster diving at CVS is early in the morning, before the store opens. This is when they do their restocking and there is a lot of trash to sift through. You can usually find what you’re looking for within the first few minutes, but it’s always fun to see what else is in there.

Weekends are also perfect for going through the trash at CVS. CVS expects the most returns and refunds on weekends since the store is busiest then. You should anticipate seeing a lot of returned products at their dumpsters on weekends, as we all know they discard returns with damaged packaging.

What to look for while Dumpster Diving at CVS?

The CVS dumpster is a treasure trove for those who know what to look for. Here are some tips on what to look for while dumpster diving at CVS:

  • Gift cards: Occasionally, you’ll find unused gift cards in the CVS dumpster. These can be used at other stores or online.
  • Cosmetics: CVS regularly clears out old makeup and cosmetics, so if you’re looking for new products to try, the dumpster is a great place to start.
  • Empty prescription bottles: These can be used to store small items such as pills or jewelry.
  • Coupons: CVS regularly throws away expired coupons, so be sure to check the expiration date before taking them.
  • Sales flyers: CVS often tosses out sales flyers that can be used to score deals on items that are already discounted.

Does CVS throw away returns?

CVS is a popular retail chain with over 9,000 stores nationwide. They offer a variety of products, including health and beauty items, groceries, and household goods. Surprisingly, CVS dumps a lot of returns and unsold merchandise in dumpsters. Every day, these stores generate a lot of waste in the form of empty boxes, packaging materials, and damaged or expired merchandise.

Fortunately for dumpster divers, CVS is usually pretty good about throwing away these items in their dumpsters rather than taking them to the landfill. Items that aren’t selling or are ready to spoil are to be thrown away by employees. Furthermore, any product returned with damaged packaging will be discarded in the CVS dumpsters. This means that there’s often a lot of great stuff to be found in CVS dumpsters if you’re willing to dig around a bit.

How much money can you make by Dumpster Diving at CVS?

Dumpster diving at CVS can be a lucrative way to make some extra money. While it may not be the most glamorous way to earn an income, it can certainly be profitable. Here’s a look at how much money you can potentially make dumpster diving at CVS. According to our research, dumpster divers can make an anywhere from $90 to $180 every week from CVS alone.

So how much money can you exactly make by dumpster diving at CVS? It depends on what you find, but it’s not uncommon to come across gift cards, coupons, and even cash in CVS dumpsters. You could easily make a few hundred dollars or more per month dumpster diving at CVS if you’re lucky enough to find valuable items.

Of course, you won’t always find valuable things in the dumpsters. Sometimes you’ll just find trash that nobody wants. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, dumpster diving at CVS is highly profitable.

Final Thoughts

CVS is a great place to dumpster dive! There are so many items that are thrown away that can be used or resold. I have found everything from food to cosmetics to clothes in the CVS dumpsters.

I have never been caught dumpster diving at CVS, but I imagine that if you were caught, you would be asked to leave and not come back. So, if you’re going to do it, be discreet and don’t make a mess. Overall, CVS is a great place for dumpster diving and I highly recommend it!

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